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The adrenalin has finally worn off and I fell asleep on my bedroom floor for 2 hours earlier. Oops! As the week wraps, I’m just letting the emotions settle as I collect my thoughts.

Going into last night’s race, I was feeling nervous and excited at the same time. Last night’s Asics City Relay goes down as one of the most memorable races ever – Clocking 47.6 min for 10km (official result: 50:28 min for 10.6km) made me giddy, not just from exhaustion but from a mix of elation, validation and pure joy; but what made it really meaningful was racing alongside 26 of the #ROCKfamily members (6 and 3/4 teams).

Under the ROCKrunners development programme supported by adidas that was launched in end August, the club sponsored 6 teams to take part in the Asics City Relay. The teams – ROCKrunluv, ROCKstarz, ROCKmelon, ROCKfamily, ROCKpinky and ROCKsolid – have been really enthusiastic in creating their team identities (including self-made badges, lighted headbands, purple superman-like capes and a huge heart cushion) and it was so heartening watching the teams discuss and laugh over everything race-related from what food to bring to the race, where to park and how to pose for photos (cue our hashtags #whysochio and #whysoshuai).

WhatsApp Image 2016-09-25 at 17.46.37

Leading up to the race, we were all very, very excited. The race was held at night (flagoff at 6pm) so we had a light session at the morning’s weekly ROCKrunners, where physiotherapist Shern from Work Lift Balance took us through some running drills and technique corrections.

Once at the race venue, the jitters got real, but having so many of us around eased our moods. The route was a 5km loop that cut across the inside of the National Stadium so we could all look out for our fellow ROCKrunners and you should have heard us SCREAM and CHEER! There are 2 categories for the relay – half-marathon and full-marathon – and 5 of our 6 teams did the full, which means having to run the loop twice.

Running as a whole unit made it much more encouraging, especially knowing that you have all these amazing people waiting for you at the finish line. My heart was so, so filled. This race was powered by love and I can’t stop smiling even now! I am so proud of each and every one of them who ran. To quote @SamChinyChinChin, “I can’t do everything, but I can do something.. for the team.” That’s the spirit!

To my team ROCKsolid (@xjljean, @lokedesiree and @yongkang_l), you guys are BEASTS. We came in 16th in our category!


For me, my target was just to beat my last PB (55 min at the Mizuno Ekiden in July) and run my heart out. So I did; I ran my heart out. I was the second runner for my team ROCKsolid, taking the baton from Jean, and I kept my mind focused; one step at a time, one kilometre at a time, keep breathing.

There has been so much happening around me lately and I wanted to do this for the people who never stopped believing in me. When the breakup happened in end July, I allowed my training to be affected and I recall giving half-assed efforts. Then I found out about the betrayal and I died again. But I quickly realised that’s not how it should be, that’s not who I am.

I have a bigger goal in mind and every training session counts for something; every hour put into training means something. I needed to get my shit together and with the generous support and abundance of love I received, I got through it.


My point is, YOU DO YOU. Be truly at peace with yourself so that nothing anyone says will bother you. Try not to let any negativity get to you. Once you learn to be happy from the heart, you won’t tolerate people who make you feel any less. Every situation doesn’t need a reaction; sometimes you just need to take the higher ground and stay above it all.

I ran light and happy last night, even singing along to the music when I ran past the blaring speakers. It’s amazing how positivity can power you forward. Nothing is impossible so long as you put your mind to it. Believe and you can achieve it. Of course, there was also my #ROCKfamily waiting for me at the end and that gave me the extra boost of strength I needed.

Stay carefree and keep lovin’. This is for you.

