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Who says girls can’t eat?

Breaking the stigma that girls are always on a diet, the six of us – myself, Cenna Chen, Jade Seah, Yang Jia Min, Constance Lau and Barbara Latimer – compete across three speed eating challenges. It was Team Pink (me, Jade, Cenna) versus Team Blue (Jia Min, Constance, Barbara) with professional competitive eater Zermatt Neo who was our judge.

Challenge 1: AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
The goal here is to eat as many dumplings as possible in 1 minute, as a team. We are given 10 dumplings each and when you’ve finished yours, you can help your team-mates eat theirs as well.

Challenge 2: For Time
Each of us had to finish a bowl of Mee Pok in the fastest time.

Challenge 3: EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute)
Each of us had 1 minute to eat the nuggets. This was a solo effort and we could not help each other.

Watch the video to see how we fared and who was the MVP!!

And then we had Part 2 – where we went up against Zermatt himself this time. Secretly, I think he was mighty impressed with us after seeing us eat LOL.

The challenge was much simpler this time – 5 of us (myself, Cenna Chen, Barbara Latimer, Claire Jedrek, Yang Jia Min) versus Zermatt to eat as many Chinese hamburgers as possible in 30 minutes.

Only one person from the Bikini Empire team was eating at any one time alongside Zermatt, so we took turns to go and we all only went once except for Cenna who went twice.

Here are the highlights:

If you have time, you can watch the full video on Zermatt’s channel here: