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CTT_0606 v2

CTT_0590 v2

CTT_0617 v2

Cassandra used to be plump during her teenhoood and it got to a point where her mum commented that she needed to do something about it. It was that mere comment which got her started in exercise, but school and work came into force, Cassandra allowed herself to seep into the rat race and sink into a sedentary lifestyle. She wasn’t overweight but she remained ‘skinny fat’ all through her early twenties and often suffered a lack of energy for her age.

Picking up a proper fitness regime five years ago, Cassandra shares how she has never felt more empowered as a woman. “Because of the drive to become the best version of myself, fitness has changed me in more ways than I can ever expect. I have learnt to apply that perseverance and optimism to my daily life,” she added.

“I have also learnt that it is important to truly enjoy the fitness activities you do, because that’s where you reap the true benefits of a workout. Fitness is my freedom, my lifestyle and if anyone tells you they are too busy to workout, they ought to change their priorities!”

Read the full interview on Yahoo here.