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Erica Tenggara practises inversions and hand balances EVERY DAY. There’s no secret to success except hard work and determination! Erica was feeling a little lost in life when she found yoga and it not only gave her meaning to life but also became her life.

She said:

Yoga is very much my life now. It’s what I practise, teach and preach. Yoga filled a huge hole in my life, which was passion. Many live life without discovering what their passion is and I’m very fortunate to have found it and made it a career. 

Yoga helped me to get fitter, stronger, more flexible at first, but it also helped to stabilise me emotionally and mentally, allowing me to live life happier and more contended than before. I still have ups and downs like anyone else but I’m able to pull myself back and bounce back fast. Yoga is not just something for me to do, it’s a part of who I am.”

Read the full feature on Yahoo here.