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CTT_1316 (400x600)

CTT_1294 (400x600)

CTT_1290 (400x600)

CTT_9174 (600x400)

CTT_9210 (600x400)

CTT_1213 (600x400)

CTT_1161 (600x400)

CTT_0906 (400x600)

After leaving the competitive life of an athlete, I really have to give it to May Ooi. Her swimming days are well behind her and she can choose not to go back to the strict and disciplined life, but no, her passion for martial arts has brought her into the mixed martial arts (MMA) cage at the age of 37. Gearing up for her pro MMA debut in August at Rebel FC, I hope to see more fights out of May. She is still very much in shape, keeping active after retirement from swimming, and she has been training for five years before breaking onto the MMA scene. All the best, May!