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Couples who work out together, stay together

Since we are all in the mood for love today (well, at least the couples), I thought it would be a perfect time to talk about how there are great benefits for couples who work out together. I am a total advocate for this – in fact, I just ran the MediaCorp Hong Bao Run with the boyfriend on Sunday. We also had combined personal training sessions before and we went through a week of HIIT at Ritual. For me, I find myself looking forward to the workout and I seek comfort in his company.

“The key benefit of working out with your partner is that it makes exercise enjoyable and something to look forward to. On top of that, the physical benefits from working out as a couple is that you can both become fitter and healthier together, as well as get to look and feel better through your shared interest. At the same time, couples can also motivate each other by setting realistic goals and rewarding each other when these targets are achieved,” said Alvan Chan, 41, personal trainer and pilates group exercise instructor at Fitness First Paragon.

He added, “Furthermore, thanks to the release of endorphins during exercise, there is also a higher tendency for couples who work out together to develop a more positive, happy feeling about each other.  Additionally, couples can also use this as an opportunity to spend more quality “us” time together, and by motivating and rewarding each other throughout the work out, this can also help strengthen their bond.”

Having the intention to work out together is not difficult I understand; it’s the matching of schedules and the finding of time that gets in the way very often. Another concern is the varied fitness levels, as one party might be fitter than the other. One way is to go for group activities, like how we did at Ritual where the same workout has different intensity levels for different fitness levels. For example, I could do a standard push-up, while he does a plyometric push-up; I could do a jump pull while he does a pull-up. You get the idea.


Echoing my exact thoughts, Alvan said, “Exercises come with different intensity levels, so if you have a more advanced fitness level than your partner, work out at a higher intensity (eg. more reps, heavier weights) while doing the same exercises. By varying intensity levels, you can both start and stop the exercise at the same time, or do the same number of repetitions but each get a work out suited to your fitness level.”

Another way is to go for group exercise classes. For example, many big gyms these days like Fitness First have classes ranging from yoga to dance, weight training to total body conditioning. Fitness First also has a special “Buddy” Personal Training service for couples who want to train together under the guidance of a qualified trainer.

So, if you are already working out with your partner, good for you! I’m sure you are very familiar with the benefits. As for those who have not tried working out with your partner, I fully encourage you to do so! If he is “too fit”, he can always do a simple workout with you as active recovery on his rest days or something! Meanwhile, have a happy Valentine’s Day!! Indulge in dinner and then work off the excess calories after 😉

Martin Gold 4