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Birthdays have never been a great deal to me and I’m happy just having a simple dinner with loved ones. For the past few years, my younger sister is in Australia studying so dinner is usually a pretty small affair with just my parents. This year, the family birthday dinner became a little bigger than usual, with the addition of my auntie, my boy, my sister’s boy and one of my close girlfriends Daphne. I also had a second family birthday dinner with the boy’s family.

I had no birthday cake (I normally don’t have one because I don’t see a need for one), but I did something special this year. I ordered customised cupcakes (from to give to loved ones.

I got a friend to design this for me and then got these Hello Kitty Racer cupcakes baked by another friend of mine Jia Xin, a really talented pastry artist. She baked them in two flavours – Red Velvet and Chocolate – and both were really yummy! She’s not a fan of Hello Kitty so I appreciate that she had to face so many of them at one go!

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I made the effort to drive around and drop off the cupcakes and it got a bit troublesome trying to work around everyone’s schedules. I made it anyway and I’m glad everyone received the cupcakes fresh!

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Managing to find two days out of my crazy work schedule, my BFF Daphne kicked off my 27th birthday with a staycation at Amara Sanctuary Resort in Sentosa on the last weekend of September.

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We do chat on WhatsApp every day but we haven’t had alone quality time for a while now. That silly girl even got me an additional gift, which she said she couldn’t resist buying because it was so me. Aawww…

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The first physical present I received was from my sister, who left it for me on my bed before flying back to Australia (she was here briefly at the end of September).

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It’s not difficult to buy me things actually – anything pink, Hello Kitty, car- or fitness-related works!

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Coincidentally, New Balance Singapore wanted to give me some new gym swag and a pair of shoes – just in time for my birthday!

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I was deciding between this newly-launched 1400V2 and another all-pink pair, but I decided I need not always get shoes that are entirely pink!

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Audi Singapore sent me a really cute  Audi  Sport tumbler with tyre marked rubber grip, which I can’t bear to use!

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Another close girlfriend of mine, Anne, took me out to lunch and gave me this racing-inspired charms bracelet, which she also got for herself! We don’t meet very often but I’m glad the friendship never changes.

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After years (ok, just two) of saying that we want to meet, we finally met! Pamela Ho and I share the same birthdate and I managed to meet up for a cuppa with her and her twin boys in tow.

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She gave me super cute Hello Kitty candies!

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Although I have switched trainers, my previous trainer Joey, and his girlfriend Camille, bought me dinner.

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They also took the effort to get me a super pink present! I can’t remember where I saw it, but Joey was with me when I jokingly said I wanted the Hello Kitty toy sitting in that UFO Catcher box. According to him, he caught it on the first try!

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We kept postponing the lunch due to various reasons, but finally Melanie and I met up for a super belated birthday meal. Met her at CrossFit Fire City where she works and she gave me this top which I have been eyeing each time I visit their Box!

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Turning 27 is just another year older, but I’m really lucky I have someone really special to spend it with me this year.

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Nothing fancy, nothing extravagant, just pure happy company on a staycation… and that Hello Kitty ring I really wanted! X

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